The students completed a tour of the
facility and the grounds. These pictures were taken on the roof. The roof has
solar panels that generate heat for the building. A portion of the roof is covered with
sedum. (See the students comments for more information.)

Durin the field trip I was interested in the fact that th Chicago Cenet for Green Technology didn't use any purchased electricity and that the whole building was made from recycled materials
The most interesting part of the trip to me was viewing the Green roof. The solar panels and the plants help reserve energy and aid in keeping the temperature of the city down.
I wish all buildings in Chicago were made like this, I think that its very cool to have a self-sufficient building that helps the environment. The Center was very well made and a very good example of how houses should be made.
The most interesting fact that i found while passing through the building was that the ceiling was made out of recycled newspaper. I was also very pleased with the calming setting that the Chicago Center for Green technology provided.
This field trip helped me to understand that becoming a "green" society is a big deal right now. Facilities, such as the Chicago Center for Green Technology, act as outlets for the idea of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Overall I was inspired to help the environment more by taking a further step: instead of throwing away items, I will first see if they can be reused, and then recycle what cannot be reused.
The thing that interested me the most about the trip was that the facilities we were in were made up of alot of recycled material, for example, the celing was made of news paper, and it didnt look like a paper celing. I was impressed and motivated by this to try and recycle more
Dominique Ivory
What interested me the most during the field trip was seeing how much of the the building was actually created from recycled materials, such as the floors and ceilings, which were made from Bamboo, cardboard, glass, and newspaper. The entire building was created in idea of using green eco friendly energies such as natural sunlight, through the use of solar panels and shy lights with reflecting walls to keep the building well lit without the use of electricity.
The trip to the Chicago Center for Green Technology was very educational. I learned various ways to keep my future home ventilated and i also learned of unique ways to reuse rain water.
The trip was confusing. I did not know recycling took so much effort. Lots of money can be save if we use these advanced recycling methods. Since America has a money problem this could be a great solution. Next time let's take the train.
Christian Out
During the field trip i learned that an efficient way to light a room during the ay is to use natural light.
Alex Vann
I couldn't believe this building was down the street form my house. I found the plants growing on the roof an interesting way to conserve fresh water.
During the field trip to the Chicago Center for Green Technology, I learned what living "green" was all about. I was surprised to see that the building was made of recycled materials. This made realize how effective and useful recyling is for the environment.
The field trip taught us how to be green and make our enviroment a better place.
The most interesting thing about the trip was that they were able to make most of that building out of recycled goods & the building is in good condition to this day.
This was a very educational, tiring and hot field trip. I was interested in the fact that the building uses solar power for the majority of the area and that they have gigantic grey things (I forgot what they called starts with a "C") that they store rainwater in and use it for their plants. They are an environmental friendly program and I would love to go back there one day. Since that day, I am now living green!
The field trip to the Chicago Center for Green Technology was really education and innovative, because the civil and environmental engineers found ways to recycle materials and uses as floor board and the walls.
I loved the different types of rooves that we learned about at the Chicago Center for Green Technology. I thought it was cool that compainies could use plants over things tile.
the best thing is that it is one of only 3 platinum leed buildings in the US
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