Video Engineering Day at FAU 2008

Friday, February 20, 2009

View the Video Engineering Day at FAU

1. View the video. (Watch each task)
2. Determine the task that your prefer based on the students' results.
3. Write a brief comment about your selection and post.
4. Create a list of suggestions for this task to share with your group. TBC


TPepper said...

I believe the tower project the paper parts is the most interesting. The tower project seems to be the most successful because all of the parts seemed sturdy. The construction of the triangular box components was the most crucial part and probably the most difficult. Once the triangular parts seemed sturdy it appeared to be easy. That's just my suggestion I will consider my group mates input.

Anonymous said...

The balloon tower would be the more interesting task. It seems to have some obstacles that would envolve group work. The construction of the project would be the hardest part. The only suggestion I have would be to have a strong, stable base.There can always have other suggestions.

Alyssa said...

Based on the critical thinking of different strategies that the teams display throught the experiments, I would rather do the marble experiment (Task ). I say this because it will be interesting to see how everyone's turn out. It i think that it will chanllege us to really use all the materials given effectively. My only suggestion for this one was to follow all the instruction and to make that everything was followed through.

Alyssa said...


Based on the critical thinking of different strategies that the teams display through the experiments, I would rather do the marble experiment (Task 2). I say this because it will be interesting to see how everyone's turn out. I think that it will challenge us to really use all the materials given effectively. My only suggestion for this one was to follow all the instruction and to make that everything was followed through.

Anonymous said...

The task that I prefer is to build a 15 inch tower using only paper clips and index cards that will support a catalog. I prefer task 1 because it seems to be the most interesting to complete than the other tasks. Many different skills were used to complete this task which should be considered the most important because the type of construction that was chosen seem to be difficult. My suggestion would be to complete this task by making sure every part of the tower is as sturdy as possible.

KeShonRiley said...

Based on all of the three tasks I viewed, I believed that Task #2, which involved the marble being an individual object, and that task, despite it seeming to be the most difficult, seemed to be the most fun to create. I say that the task seemed to be very hard because based off the materials the group had to use, they really did a good job coming up with the different ideas to create a project that most fit the objective. The task seemed fun in its process because of the marble, and how it played such a significant role in the project. A suggestion I might have for the groups was to actually follow the directions, because it seemed like the marble wasn't the only component that was supposed to be used, which was stated in the directions. But other than that, I believe the groups did a good job!

Anonymous said...

Based on all three of these task dispalayed, I believe that the ballon tower project would not only be more fun but more interesting as well. The ballon tower project seemed to me to be the most difficult along with the paper tower task because you had to deal with the matierels you had but complete the task of creating a tower as tall as possible in 25 minute span. Although this task was viewed as such a challange, i think with effecient group work we can not only have fun but make some pretty good ballon towers. I would enjoy the ballon tower project, though all tasks didi seem to be interesting!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the most interesting task and to me the most fun task to complete was the 1st task. This was the tower built of index cards and paper clips. It was interesting to me because the tower at the end of the construction was able to hold a book, and it was made out of INDEX CARDS! To me that task was extremely hard to complete and when the kids completed it I know they must have had a fun feeling about the whole assignment.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the most interesting task and to me the most fun task to complete was the 1st task. This was the tower built of index cards and paper clips. It was interesting to me because the tower at the end of the construction was able to hold a book, and it was made out of INDEX CARDS! To me that task was extremely hard to complete and when the kids completed it I know they must have had a fun feeling about the whole assignment.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the tower project was the most creative and interesting. The way the group used index cards and paper clips to construct a tower sturdy to hold an object as heavy as a book, displayed skill and critical thinking. These skills the are key componets in being a successful enigineering, because they were faced with a problem and attacked it head on. I was also extemely impressed by their ability to complete such an diffuclt structure with the materials they were given. I would suggest that those attempting a project like this that communication and team management is key to be successful in constructing such a tower.

Randolph T said...

Task three was the best task overall. The team worked together, building the pathway and all the other components in order for the marble to go down. I especially enjoyed the one hundred percent team work, no man was left behind. This was not an easy project they actually had to do alot of analyzing and critical thinking, which in the end paid off. I was proud when the result was that it worked and they clapped out of excitment. This task taught me that I have to be a little more invovled with the team work, everybody on the team should be working at the same pace rather than some doing all the work and others barely working. The only thing negative is that I felt they should have used more materials and could have tested it again. Overall I enjoyed watching the whole process and the exciting result.

Tatiana Randolph

Randolph T said...


Anonymous said...

Task 2, in my opinion, was the most interesting. The students had to make the marble roll in a complete circle and then come to a stop. It was interesting to see the different types of models each group made. It was also interesting to see how some of the designs failed during their trials before being successful.

Anonymous said...

I think the marble tower would be the most interesting. Mainly becuase it seems the most difficult and it would challenge me more than the other two would. To come up with something better. My suggestion would be to find a way to make it as stable as possible and to follow the directions throughly. So there will be no errors.

Anonymous said...

Based on the students results in the video, I think that task two would be the most interesting. Although this task seemed to have been the hardest, I think that it requires a tremendous amount of group work. Also, this task allows you to show a more creative side and how well a person can handle a difficult task. This task also required alot of critical thinking.

Anonymous said...

I like the ballon towe project because I felt like it was a different way to build a bridge. Also the Construction of this bridge seemed hard, but once the foundation and sides of the bridge are built it could be easily built. My only suggestion is that the foundation could be stronger

Anonymous said...

The most interesting task I saw on the video was the tower project. What was interesting about it was how the students thought to use paper clips and index card to give the tower a strong base so it could support heavy weights and not fall over. This showed me that the group was thinking critical which is key to being a good engineer. My suggestions for
the team is to listen to their group members, have a plan, and to make sure every part of your design is stable.

JeremyH said...

The task that I prefer is task three because of the difficuly level involved in the creation of the tower. It was hard to do because they had to plan the tower, blow up the balloons, and build the tower in only 25 minutes. To me, it's absolutely amazing and the suggestions that I have are to tape the parts together where they blow the balloons up and build a strong base with the tape.
- Jeremy Harris

Anonymous said...

The task that stood out to me was task two. This was the task about building a device so that a marble will complete one full circle then come to a complete stop. This was the most interesting task because it seemed to be the most complicated and the students could only use the materials provided. This project is not something we have done in class before and it seems like a very hard work project, but still fun. I would love to build this device with my team; it seems different and fun to create. In the video I enjoyed watching each student work on some part of the device and choosing what would work and what would not work. I saw students cutting, measuring, taping, testing and building. There was a lot of good teamwork going on and a lot of creativity. The students seemed to be using foam, tape and other materials that would help to build this device. The students were cutting and taping, and to me they were doing a great job with team work and eyeing the design. The students made observation; they found a design and build a prototype. This device was tall, sturdy, and attractive. In the end they were successful in building the device and the device was tasteful to the eye.
-R'Che Danley

Anonymous said...

I Liked the the balloon tower project. It looked like it would be a lot of fun and it also looked like it would be fairly challenging. my suggestion would be to have a base that be able to support the rest of the tower.

Anonymous said...

The most interesting tower was the first tower in my opinion. I chose this tower because i felt that it was more challenging because of the materials that were used (paper clips and index cards). This method seemed to take more critical thinking skills and teem work which are the basis of engineering, and i also fell that this method would be an enjoyable challenge.

Anonymous said...

The project that I like best was the one where they had to stop the marble with the device they built. This was best because they were able to use different material and come up with different designs to make the project a success.

Anonymous said...

I think that the tower with the paper and the paper clips would be more challenging to do than the other projects.

Anonymous said...

I think that the tower with the paper and the paper clips would be more challenging to do than the other projects.