Video Engineering Day at FAU 2008

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PSA assignment-In honor of EARTH DAY

Watch the clip (PSA) and answer the questions in the comment section of this blog.

Does the public service announcement makes its point, why or why not?
Would you change or consider changing your own habits based on this PSA?


KeShon said...

1. I believe the public service announcement did make its point. In my opinion, the way the film used the different types of seasons and physical changes the can went through was really a great way to express how long it takes for a can to recycle itself, rather than saying it.

2. Based on my viewing of the public service announcement, I will consider changing my ways and begin to recycle more because recycling makes the world a better place, and even safer, and who wouldn't want to live in a safe world?

Jonathan Buschbacher said...

1) The public service anouncement can make its point to some, if the read into the video. If they read in between the lines, they could understand. If the person is just watching the video just as is and is not thinking about anything the director was trying to say, then the point would not be passed to the viewer and practicly useless.

2) I think that I do try to help the environment because I do recycle cans, paper, and plastic bottles.

Alyssa Sledge said...

1)I didn't fully understood the video at first, but once i saw it a couple times and thought about it, i came to the conclusion that that the video does make a very valid point about recycling. As time goes past in a 50 duration, you can see the can slowly break itself down into rust. if the man woul have jus recycled it, it could have been use a number of times before it became uncyclable anymore.

2)In my home, we already recycle the cans and food products that we use, but now seeing this video, i'll also consider using less enegry by turning off the lights when i'm using them, and conserve moer water.

Nakia said...

1. The video did make its point about recycling in my opinion because the video clip gave the can's full recycle time span and really showed us that the can does take a long time to recycle by itself; so we should cut own the time span and just rcycle it ourselves.

2. Based on the PSA, I think I would consider changing my recycling ways because it is so easy for me to just recycle a can, but for a can recycle itself it's not that simple.

Ashley H said...

1. I think the PSA does make its point because it was simple. It was easy for people to understand. Everything that I did have questions about was cleared up at the end.

2. I think I would change my ways. When you think about it, you can spare one minute of your day to recycle especially if it helps your environment. I recycle a little but I can do more.

Jazmin Means said...

1. I think the PSA made its point,to me it made its point because it clearly showed the long process involved in the can recycling itself.

2. Based on the PSA, it mkaes me think twice about the importance of recycling.

Tyree W said...

yeah I think that the public service announcement made it point. I thinking that It did this by showing how much time passed by before the can was completely recycled.Yes I would change some of my ways after watching this video.

Jasmine G said...

1. The public service announcement made a valid point, in the film. It shows the impact we have on the environment by not recycling, so instead of having the can recyle itself for 50 years we can just recycle it.

2. Based on the public service announcement, I will try to change my recycling habits. So that I can help in creating a more beautiful place to live and a safer enviroment to live in.

Tatiana L. Randolph said...

1. The PSA did make its point. The point that,"it only takes a secod to recycle a can," was made through artistic expression. The decaying of that aluminium can expressed the message that we are slowly ruin our world because we are to lazy to recycle somthing as simple as a can.

2. Based on the PSA i feelt that I need to improve some of my ways. I do not recycle often and that is normal to me. When in fact that should not be normal to anybody. This video has taught me that it does not take long to make the world better and safer, if we work together in doing so.

Cameron Keys said...

1) For some one just viewing the public service announcement that has no prior knowledge about our world’s current global green house crisis, the video wouldn’t have much of an impact on a individuals consciences. People who are aware of the green house issues, this video is powerful and extremely informative on the importance of recycling in our world; because it directly impacts whether our worlds global warming issues will improve or become worse.

2) I think I do what is necessary to help and improve our environment, because I turn off all the electronic appliances in my house, I pick up trash in my neighborhood, and I also collect cans.

Ali Micole said...

1. I believe the PSA did make its point because it showed the effects of what happened when the guy drop his pop can and the long lasting effects it would have.

2.this PSA has make me want to change my living habits because it makes me what to keep the earth clean not only for my generation but for more generations to come.

Adija said...

1.The Publlic Service Announcement in my opinion, does indeed make its point, the video didi this in such a way by using creativty and also making you think outside the box and connecting other things to it. The video was well expressed and gave you evident reasons and examples.

2. I will change my ways by recyclying more which will indeed help as well as making sure i don not liter but make ways to better the enviorment.

Arthur Jefferson said...

i think the PSA did make its point because it shows the effects of greenhouse gases and how they affect the earth if nothing is done. That is why i beleive this video is powerful because it reminds that we must take care of our planet by recycling and using cleaner fuels.
2. After viewing this i have realized that i have been failing to help the enviorment and this has inspirted me to do better.

Craig Crawford said...

1. I do believe the PSA mades its point. It showed how long it takes for a can to recycle itself over a period of time through different types of weather versus doing it yourself. It used good imagery to describe the idea instead of just telling us from the beginning how long it takes to recycle it.

2. Just by watching this video I wouldn't change my habits because I still don't see how it affects me directly. But I would want to change my ways because the idea is that if you recycle you do make the world a better place and of course I want to the world to be a better place.

Kareem V said...

1. The public service announcement does make its point. The video shows how much time it takes for the can to break down. It shows us how important recycling is to the environment

2.I would consider changing my habits based on the PSA. I would recycle more rather than liter.

Thomas L. Pepper said...

1. The PSA was very artistic but I think it didn't give any information about how to recycle effectively, but the PSA did give a good statistic on what the effects of what one can, would do to the environment. The PSA's goal was to call attention to an issue and it did that.

2. I do recycle as much as possible, but the PSA did increase my awareness and instilled a want to do more.

Tatiana L. Randolph said...


1. I Think that the PSA did makes its point, regarding recycling. The PSA basically was telling viewers that it is very easy to do what’s right and something as simple as properly disposing a can has a big effect on our environment and it is up to us to make it a better, safer, cleaner and healthier place to live in.

2. I have already been very cautious of where I dispose of garbage but sometimes I may slip up and forget. This PSA opened my eyes to stop just saying "next time ill do it," and do it right then and there because now I know that the time is now.

Tatiana L. Randolph said...

Ms. Turner R'Che's internet was not working properly. She sent me her answers before leaving school Thursday and then I posted them.

Ashley G said...

1. I believe that the PSA did make its point. The film showed the actual time it took for materials to recycle.
2. I will change and begin to recycle more. I will do everything possible to help the environment.

Ta'Kiyah said...

1.This public service announcement did make its point becasue it helped to convey the severity of non biodegradebale materials and the long lasting effects of them.
2.After viewing this video it did give ma an urge to change my habits it helped to underdtand and want to recycle more and helped me to want to make the world a better cleaner enviroment.

Zephra Castillo said...

1.I do beleieve it made it's point in my opinion because of the changes that were happening in the world today even in climate changes. he was trying to really emphazised why and what would happen so he made his point.

2.I do try to help bye trying off all the computers in my home make sure if you're not in a room the light is off and if i have paper i use the scrape i have left and have my baby brothers and i make a project from it.

Jeremy Harris said...

1. The public service announcement failed to make it's point, because it doesn't show how it harms the environment, but one can infer that a plethora of cans will.

2. No, I won't change my ways, because i'm already an avid recycler,a nd it just gives me more of a reason to continue recycling.